Dean gay porno star

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While Dean Burke is not retired it has been 7 years since his last video. The two series in which Dean Burke has acted are Prison Camp and Real Men (Pantheon Productions). The collection of movies in which Dean has acted contains Prison Camp - Fucked into Submission, Real Men Volume 32 - Muscle Dads In The Sun and Real Men Vol. The collection of videos in which they are featured together consists only of two items: Real Men Volume 32 - Muscle Dads In The Sun and Real Men Vol. Burke on camera most frequently with Josh Thomas.

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This star is very skilled and has starred in movies which are associated with 11 categories ranging from gay scenes to daddies.ĭean has acted with a variety of other actors which include Skylar Blue, Brad Kalvo and also Ron James. Dean Burke is a male actor whose performing career started in 2012.ĭean Burke has worked in movies created by just a couple of adult movie studios: Young Bastards and Pantheon Productions.

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